Basic SQL 2

Jake Feldman

Warm UP

-Consider the built in data set chickwts and answer the following questions:

  1. How many chickens have a weight above 200? Give this Column an appropriate name using Aliasing

  2. What is the average weigth of the chicks given each feed type?

  3. What is the average weight of chicks having a weight between 200 and 300 for each feed type?

Warm Up Solutions

  1. How many chickens have a weight above 200?
df = sqldf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Heavier than 200' FROM chickwts 
           WHERE weight >=200")
  Heavier than 200
1               54
  1. What is the average weigth of chicken given each feed type?
df = sqldf("SELECT feed , AVG(Weight) AS 'Avg. Weight' FROM chickwts 
           GROUP BY feed")
       feed Avg. Weight
1    casein    323.5833
2 horsebean    160.2000
3   linseed    218.7500
4  meatmeal    276.9091
5   soybean    246.4286
6 sunflower    328.9167
  1. What is the average weight of chicks having a weight between 200 and 300 for each feed type?
df = sqldf("SELECT feed , AVG(Weight) AS 'Avg. Weight'  FROM chickwts 
           WHERE weight >=200 AND weight<=300 GROUP BY feed")
       feed Avg. Weight
1    casein    245.2500
2 horsebean    222.0000
3   linseed    239.5714
4  meatmeal    245.2000
5   soybean    251.0000
6 sunflower    272.6667

Having Clause

-Like WHERE clause but used after a GROUP BY

-Filters after groups have been formed

-SELECT FUNC(columns) FROM df WHERE condition GROUP BY column HAVING condition

df = sqldf("SELECT cyl, COUNT(*) As count FROM mtcars  GROUP BY cyl 
           HAVING count>8")
  cyl count
1   4    11
2   8    14
#HAVING with a WHERE clause
df = sqldf("SELECT cyl, COUNT(*) As count FROM mtcars WHERE mpg>20  
 GROUP BY cyl HAVING count>8")
  cyl count
1   4    11

Order By Clause

-ORDER BY determines order in which rows are return: ASC DESC

-Recall that for basic sorting we saw how to do this with out SQL

-Comes after the HAVING

-SELECT FUNC(columns) FROM df WHERE condition GROUP BY column HAVING condition ORDER BY columns ASC/DESC

#Sorted by mpg
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars ORDER BY mpg DESC")
   mpg cyl
1 33.9   4
2 32.4   4
3 30.4   4
4 30.4   4
5 27.3   4
6 26.0   4
#Order by multiple columns
df = sqldf("SELECT cyl,hp FROM mtcars ORDER BY cyl DESC, hp DESC")
   cyl  hp
1    8 335
2    8 264
3    8 245
4    8 245
5    8 230
6    8 215
7    8 205
8    8 180
9    8 180
10   8 180
11   8 175
12   8 175
#Combining everything so far. You can see that the ordering here happens after
#the groups have been formed
df = sqldf("SELECT cyl, COUNT(*) As count FROM mtcars WHERE mpg>15  
GROUP BY cyl HAVING count>3 ORDER BY count DESC")
  cyl count
1   4    11
2   8     8
3   6     7

Limit Clause

-LIMIT controls the number of rows we get

-Good way to find the top 3, for example, of some list

-Can specify starting point

-SELECT FUNC(columns) FROM df WHERE condition GROUP BY column HAVING condition ORDER BY columns ASC/DESC LIMIT number

#Sorted by mpg show only 5 rows
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars ORDER BY mpg DESC LIMIT 5")
   mpg cyl
1 33.9   4
2 32.4   4
3 30.4   4
4 30.4   4
5 27.3   4
#Sorted by mpg show rows 3-8
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg, cyl FROM mtcars ORDER BY mpg DESC LIMIT 3,5")
   mpg cyl
1 30.4   4
2 27.3   4
3 26.0   4
4 24.4   4
5 22.8   4

Advanced Filtering

#BETWEEN (includes boundaries)
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg FROM mtcars  WHERE mpg BETWEEN 30.4 AND 32.4 ")
1 32.4
2 30.4
3 30.4
# NOT BETWEEN (does not include boundaries)
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg FROM mtcars  WHERE mpg NOT BETWEEN 30.4 AND 32.4 ")
1  21.0
2  21.0
3  22.8
4  21.4
5  18.7
6  18.1
7  14.3
8  24.4
9  22.8
10 19.2
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg,cyl FROM mtcars  WHERE cyl IN (4,6) ")
    mpg cyl
1  21.0   6
2  21.0   6
3  22.8   4
4  21.4   6
5  18.1   6
6  24.4   4
7  22.8   4
8  19.2   6
9  17.8   6
10 32.4   4
#Create column with car names to filter on
mtcars$Cars = rownames(mtcars)
                   mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
Datsun 710        22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
Valiant           18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1
Mazda RX4                 Mazda RX4
Mazda RX4 Wag         Mazda RX4 Wag
Datsun 710               Datsun 710
Hornet 4 Drive       Hornet 4 Drive
Hornet Sportabout Hornet Sportabout
Valiant                     Valiant
#Get all Mercedes Cars - This gives us 0 rows! Tries to match exactly
df = sqldf("SELECT mpg,cyl FROM mtcars  WHERE Cars Like 'Merc' ")
[1] mpg cyl
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
#Get a specific Mercedes Cars 
df = sqldf("SELECT Cars, mpg,cyl FROM mtcars  WHERE Cars Like 'Merc 240D' ")
       Cars  mpg cyl
1 Merc 240D 24.4   4
#% is a substitute for zero or more characters
df = sqldf("SELECT Cars, mpg,cyl FROM mtcars  WHERE Cars Like '%Merc%' ")
         Cars  mpg cyl
1   Merc 240D 24.4   4
2    Merc 230 22.8   4
3    Merc 280 19.2   6
4   Merc 280C 17.8   6
5  Merc 450SE 16.4   8
6  Merc 450SL 17.3   8
7 Merc 450SLC 15.2   8
#_ is a substitute for one character 
#(this is how you do two conditions in the like)
df = sqldf("SELECT Cars, mpg,cyl FROM mtcars  WHERE Cars Like '_oyo%' 
           OR Cars Like '%Ford%' ")
            Cars  mpg cyl
1 Toyota Corolla 33.9   4
2  Toyota Corona 21.5   4
3 Ford Pantera L 15.8   8



-Use Like an IF statement

#In SELECT statement we can use it to create a new column
df= sqldf("SELECT hp, CASE WHEN hp>=150 THEN 'Fast' 
          WHEN hp >= 100 AND hp <=150 THEN 'Medium' 
          ELSE 'Slow' END AS Speed FROM mtcars ")
   hp  Speed
1 110 Medium
2 110 Medium
3  93   Slow
4 110 Medium
5 175   Fast
6 105 Medium
7 245   Fast
8  62   Slow
#With HAVING or WHERE we use it to filter on different criterion
df= sqldf("SELECT cyl, gear,  AVG(mpg) AS avg_mpg FROM mtcars 
          GROUP BY cyl, gear HAVING CASE WHEN cyl =4 THEN avg_mpg > 20 
          ELSE avg_mpg>15 END ORDER BY cyl, gear  ")
  cyl gear avg_mpg
1   4    3  21.500
2   4    4  26.925
3   4    5  28.200
4   6    3  19.750
5   6    4  19.750
6   6    5  19.700
7   8    3  15.050
8   8    5  15.400

Individual Row Functions

-Can’t use these functions with Group by

-CEILING(num): Closest integer below num

-FLOOR(num): Closest intger above num

-ROUND(num1, num2): Round num1 to num2 decimal places

-SQRT(num): Takes square root of num

-MOD(num1, num2): Remainder when num1 is divided by num2

-POWER(num1, num2): Raises num1 to the power of num2

df= sqldf("SELECT ROUND(mpg) AS rounded_mpg FROM mtcars")
1          21
2          21
3          23
4          21
5          19
6          18
df= sqldf("SELECT POWER(cyl, 2) AS random FROM mtcars")
1     36
2     36
3     16
4     36
5     64
6     36

Wine Data Set

# Read in the data
df_wine = read.csv("wine.csv")

#Check to see that the data has been read in correctly
  No     Grape           Winery       Appelation      State
1  1 Zinfandel     Robert Biale       St. Helena California
2  2 Zinfandel Chiarello Family      Napa Valley California
3  3 Zinfandel     Robert Biale      Napa Valley California
4  4 Zinfandel     Robert Biale      Napa Valley California
5  5 Zinfandel     Robert Biale       St. Helena California
6  6 Zinfandel      Pedroncelli Dry Creek Valley California
                Name Year Price Score Cases Drink
1 Old Kraft Vineyard 2008    44    93   275   now
2              Giana 2008    35    93   480   now
3      Black Chicken 2008    40    91  2700  2012
4       Napa Ranches 2008    38    89   525   now
5   Varozza Vineyard 2008    44    88   275  2012
6       Mother Clone 2008    15    88  6000   now
#We want Name and Grape to be a character column and Cases to be a numeric
df_wine$Name = as.character(df_wine$Name)
df_wine$Grape = as.character(df_wine$Grape)
  1. Find the cheapest wine at each score and sort this by descending score.
#Finding the cheapest wine at each score and sort this
df_rankings = sqldf("SELECT Score, MIN(Price) FROM df_wine GROUP BY Score ORDER BY Score DESC")
  Score MIN(Price)
1    98         43
2    97        135
3    96        135
4    95         33
5    94         40
6    93         25
  1. Find the cheapest wine at each score in each year. First sort by year and then by score.
#Find this same thing  by year
df_rankings_year = sqldf("SELECT Year, Score, MIN(Price) FROM df_wine GROUP BY Year, Score ORDER BY Year, Score DESC")
  Year Score MIN(Price)
1 2004    92         75
2 2004    91         50
3 2004    90         45
4 2005    95         60
5 2005    93         29
6 2005    92         28
  1. Which type of grape has the highest average score?
#Which type of grape has the highest average score
df_rankings_grape = sqldf("SELECT Grape, Avg(Score) AS avg_score FROM df_wine GROUP BY Grape ORDER BY avg_score DESC")
                Grape avg_score
1      Cabernet Franc  92.00000
2          Chardonnay  91.09615
3           Roussanne  91.00000
4 Cabernet Sauvingnon  90.95588
5          Pinot Noir  90.68807
6               Syrah  90.54098
  1. Between the years 2004 and 2006 a wine received a gold medal if it had a score of at least 90. In 2007 and 2008 this threshold increased to 93. After 2008, it increased to 96. How many wines in this list received a gold medal?
#Add the gold label
df_gold_label = sqldf("SELECT *, CASE WHEN (Year BETWEEN 2004 AND 2006) AND Score >=90 THEN 'Gold'
                WHEN (Year BETWEEN 2007 AND 2008) AND Score >=93 THEN 'Gold'
                WHEN Year >2008 AND Score >=96 THEN 'Gold'
                ELSE 'None' END AS medal FROM df_wine ")

#Check to see if it worked
  No     Grape           Winery       Appelation      State
1  1 Zinfandel     Robert Biale       St. Helena California
2  2 Zinfandel Chiarello Family      Napa Valley California
3  3 Zinfandel     Robert Biale      Napa Valley California
4  4 Zinfandel     Robert Biale      Napa Valley California
5  5 Zinfandel     Robert Biale       St. Helena California
6  6 Zinfandel      Pedroncelli Dry Creek Valley California
                Name Year Price Score Cases Drink medal
1 Old Kraft Vineyard 2008    44    93   275   now  Gold
2              Giana 2008    35    93   480   now  Gold
3      Black Chicken 2008    40    91  2700  2012  None
4       Napa Ranches 2008    38    89   525   now  None
5   Varozza Vineyard 2008    44    88   275  2012  None
6       Mother Clone 2008    15    88  6000   now  None
#Pick out the gold rows
gold_count = sqldf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM df_gold_label WHERE medal='Gold'")
1      155