Date Range 09/20/15 to 11/21/15 ride_id unique identifer for each ride trip_time the duration (minutes) for the ride trip_dist the distance (miles) for the ride plan_id 4 types: Go, Intro, Intro_Pro, Other (see image below) hr_start the hour of the day that the ride started (0-23) (local time - PT) dow day of the week that the ride started (0 = Monday and 6 = Sunday) time_slot 0: 8pm to 4:59am 1: 5am to 9:59am 2: 10am to 2:59pm 3: 4pm to 6:59pm" batt_perc battery percentage at the start of the ride (0 to 1, where 1 = 100%) dist_h distance from where the person opened the app tod the location of where the selected vehicle was parked price cost of the trip (dollars) start_location_id Scoot's location id of where the ride started lat latitude of the starting location lng longitude of the starting location end_location_id Scoot's location id of where the ride ended lat latitude of the ending location lng longitude of the ending location