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Lecture 1: Jupyter Notebooks + Basic Python Objects


Powerpoint Slides: PPT-Numbers,Lists and Strings
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter-Numbers,Lists and Strings

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Numbers, Lists and Strings
Solutions: Numbers, Lists and Strings

Lecture 2: Conditionals and Loops


Powerpoint Slides: PPT-Conditionals and Loops
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter-Conditionals and Loops

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Conditionals and Loops
Solutions: Conditionals and Loops

Lecture 3: New Objects and Methods


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - New Objects and Methods
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - New Objects and Methods (Images needed: image1)

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: New Objects and Methods
Solutions: New Objects and Methods

Lecture 4: Reading and Writing to Files


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Files
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Files

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Files , Data for practice
Solutions: Files

Lecture 5: Functions and Scope


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Functions and Scope
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Functions and Scope

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Functions and Scope, Data for practice
Solutions: Functions and Scope

Lecture 6: More Functions and Variable Assignment


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Variable Assignment
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Variable Assignment (Images needed: image1, image2)

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Functions 2, Data for practice
Solutions: Functions 2

Lecture 7: List Comprehension and Packages


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - List Comprehension and Packages
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - List Comprehension and Packages

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: List Comprehension and Packages, Data for practice
Solutions: List Comp and Packages

Lecture 8: Monte Carlo Simulation


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Monte Carlo Simulation

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Monte Carlo Simulation
Solutions: Monte Carlo

Lecture 9: Monte Carlo Simulation Optimization


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Monte Carlo Optimization

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Monte Carlo Optimization, Data for practice
Solutions: Monte Carlo Optimization

Lecture 10: Intro to Pandas


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Intro to Pandas
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Intro to Pandas, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Intro Pandas, Data for practice
Solutions: Intro Pandas

Lecture 11: Advanced Pandas


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Advanced Pandas, More on using apply
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Advanced Pandas, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice #1: Movie Review Sentiment Analysis

Practice #1 Jupyter Notebook: Advanced Pandas, Data for practice
Solutions #1: Advanced Pandas #1

Practice #2: Chipotle Data Set

Practice #2 Jupyter Notebook: Advanced Pandas, Data for practice
Solutions #2: Advanced Pandas #2

Lecture 12: Intro to Matplotlib


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Intro Plotting
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Intro Plotting, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Intro Plotting, Data for practice , PNG1, PNG_2
Solutions: Intro Plotting

Lecture 13: Advanced to Matplotlib


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Advanced Plotting, Window Functions
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Window Functions, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Advanced Plotting, PNG
Solutions: Advanced Plotting

Lecture 14: Folium


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Folium

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Folium, Data for practice
Solutions: Folium

Lecture 15: Filtering 1 (lambda functions + filtering rows)


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Filtering 1
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Filtering 1, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Filtering 1, Data for practice
Solutions: Filtering 1

Lecture 16: Filtering 2 (groupby)


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Filtering 2, Groupby with lambda/apply
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Filtering 2, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Filtering 2, Data for practice
Solutions: Filtering 2

Lecture 17: Filtering 3 (merges)


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Filtering 3
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Filtering 3

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Filtering 3, Data for practice
Solutions: Filtering 3

Lecture 18: Time Series


Powerpoint Slides: PPT - Time Series
Jupyter Notebook Notes: Jupyter - Time Series, Data for notes

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Time Series, Data for practice
Solutions: Time Series

Bonus: Bikeshare rider analysis with folium

(stolen from this blog post:

Practice Exercises:

Practice Jupyter Notebook: Bike_Share, Data for practice:
Solutions: Bike_Share